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LAB BOOK Newsletter


AN601 images
Automated Tissue Processing of Kidney for TEM in <1 Hour

Sample preparation of biological tissue for TEM is time-consuming and labor intensive. Microwave methods can reduce time, but not labor. Automated EM tissue processors can reduce labor, but not time. Enter the mPrep™ ASP™-1000 Automated Specimen Processor, which reduces time and labor with highly efficient, rapid-agitation mixing to process biological samples in less than an hour with one-touch convenience.

Read application note AN601 to learn how the ASP-1000 can process mammalian kidney specimens from postfixation rinse through resin infiltration with unprecedented speed.

You can also check out our library of application notes that describe automated processing across tissues types that cut prep time to a fraction of the time of manual methods.


BioEM Talks video
Presentation: Six Years of Fully Programmable Electron Microscopy Specimen and Grid Preparation

We were excited to participate in the first BioEM Talks Series conference, held in August 2021. Steven Goodman, Ph.D., co-founder and CSO of Microscopy Innovations, surveyed electron microscopy preparation workflows for manual and automated TEM tissue prep, immunogold labeling and 3DEM tissue prep. Automation, in some cases, pared multi-day manual workflows down to a single day while greatly reducing hands-on labor.

A big shout out to the BioEM Talks organizers for coordinating and hosting this interesting series! Thank you!


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M&M 2022 call for papers to open on December 7

Reminder to the electron microscopy community:  Call for papers for M&M 2022 opens on December 7, 2021. The Microscopy & Microanalysis 2022 (M&M) Conference will take place July 31 – August 4, 2022 in Portland, OR.


NSF logo
Have a research need, problem, or an idea?
Consider working with Microscopy Innovations. Contact us to discuss the potential for collaborative funding on NIH, DoD or NSF grants!

Here's just one example ... from National Science Foundation:

NSF 21-502 Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research
This program supports research to design novel or greatly improved research tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at NSF. The Innovation Program focuses on research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to researchers in three programmatic areas: Bioinformatics, Instrumentation, and Research Methods.
Awards range between $300K - $800K.


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Grant Funding to Get Started Automating Your Specimen Prep

If you want to improve EM lab efficiency and workflow through automation, grants are available to help. Automation with the mPrep™ ASP™-1000 can help core labs meet client needs efficiently with current staffing levels, while adding the ability to handle more 3DEM or immunolabelling specimens.

Here are couple of current grant opportunities to fund instrument purchases:

Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program
The Shared Instrument Grant (SIG) Program encourages applications to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-priced, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated instrumentation system. Awards range between $50K and $600K.

National Science Foundation
NSF 21-501 Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research
The Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research (Capacity) Program supports the implementation of, scaling of, or major improvements to research tools, products, and services that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at NSF. Awards range between $25K and $1.2M.


Microscopy Innovations LLC

Creating 21st Century EM Lab Products to Accelerate Science

213 Air Park Road, Suite 101, Marshfield, WI 54449

Phone +1 715-384-3292 | |

© 2021 Microscopy Innovations LLC. Microscopy Innovations, the Microscopy Innovations logo and all other trademarks unless otherwise indicated are property of Microscopy Innovations LLC.